
Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm Sorry, I Did Not Understand Your Selection. Please Try Again

I just learned that voice automated phone services do not work so well when you have a one year old. A loud one year old at that! The pilot light on our heater keeps going out and our house is ridiculously cold in the morning. So cold that my child has purple-y lips right now and my fingers are frozen. I'm trying to make an appointment for the gas company to come out and fix whatever needs fixing and this is how my experience with their system went.

Gas Company Automated phone lady: Thank you for calling the Gas Company. If you smell gas, please say "Emergency." If...

Austin in background: Blah blah blah doodle bwahh ahhh

Gas: I'm sorry. I did not understand your selection. Please try again. If you smell gas, please say "Emergency." If you have a billing question, please say "Billing." If you need an appliance fixed, please say "Appliance."

Me: Applian...

Austin:Pttthhh ahhhh grrrrr eeeeeee!!!

Gas: I'm sorry. I did not understand your selection. Please try again. If you smell gas, please say...

And that's when I hung up and realized that I'm just going to have to wait until naptime to make this appointment! Whoever designed those systems did not have children or otherwise they would have given me a touch-tone option.

1 comment:

Karen, Scott, and Jared said...

oh my goodness, i know exactly what you're talking about! sooo funny. and congrats on your baby girl!!!!!