
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Who Belongs In The Zoo? We do!

Between Brian having jury duty for 2 1/2 weeks and then being on vacation and Christmas break for an additional 2 weeks, Austin and I really got used to having him home! It was especially nice on Brian's vacation days because we were able to go on some playdates that Daddy doesn't usually get to go along to! So we did days at the park and various outings, including a day at the zoo.

My friend Rebecca, her mother & I recently purchased a zoo pass together. Any one of us can go and take another two guests and the kids get in free. So Brian, Austin & I basically had our day paid for. We didn't spend a long time there, just a few hours really, but it was a great time. Austin is more and more interested in the animals every time we go and since he's getting better at his animal sounds, he had more fun this time than he has in the past. Most of all, it was just great to get to spend extra time with Daddy!

They had reindeer in honor of Christmas

We saw a beautiful jaguar really upclose. Austin practiced his word for "cat" and his "roar" the whole time.

Austin & Daddy checking out the tapirs. Obviously this animal prompted some "Where is your nose?" lessons!

These monkeys were funny. They were play fighting over prime location on the vines. Austin was mesmerized by all the hooting and hollering and wrestling.

Austin working on his monkey impression

There was a new baby giraffe. Isn't he adorable? I heart giraffes!

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