
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Where's the Teef??

When Austin's 1st tooth came in a few weeks ago, I had no idea it was going to take me this long to blog about it. Turns out it's very hard to get a good pic of a 1st tooth. Not only is it barely visible when it first cuts through, my little man likes to stick his tongue over it when you try to open his mouth. On top of that, the camera has a heckuva time focusing on a barely visible, shiny thing in a dark hole.

It's finally visible to where you can point to it in the picture and say "See that white spot right there? No not that shiny spit, the other white spot!"

Oh and ignore the piece of bread still in his mouth!

Extreme closeup

And what you normally get while trying to get a picture of a barely visible, shiny thing in a dark hole...


Mama Monkey said...

I absolutely love the last photo Angela!!! It's so cute!!

Kytten said...

lol!! I love the attempts to get the picture!