
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Sammy!

February 18th marked one year since our little buddy Sammy was born. His momma threw him one heckuva farm themed party, complete with an awesome petting zoo AND pony/donkey rides! I mean, we would have been there even if it had been a boring party cuz we love Sammy, but I can guarantee I've never RSVPd quicker for a party than when I heard about the petting zoo! I knew Austin was going to have a wonderful time!

The birthday boy and his big brother took first rides on the donkey and pony. Sammy wasn't quite sure about it but did pretty good!
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I thought McKenna would be too little for a pony ride, but I was so pleased to find out she wasn't! Next I was a little worried she would want nothing to do with this giant of an animal, but was again pleased that she loved it! She smiled the whole time!
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And Austin, of course, was in heaven on his big ol' burro! He kept going "hee haw! hee haw!!"

The petting zoo was by far the best petting zoo ever! The animals were all really friendly and stinkin' adorable. Bunnies, chickens, a pig, a sheep, a momma goat and by far, the cutest bunch of lil' baby goats that I have ever seen! Honestly, I was tempted to stick one in the diaper bag and call him my own! They were 4 days old! And bouncing everywhere and headbutting each other. A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E!

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Austin did the same thing with these animals that he did at the zoo - went up to each of them and got down to their level and said "Hi!" "Hi Sheep! Hi Pig! Hi Goat!"

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He did pretty good at first being gentle and calm but soon got a little excited and a little silly. At one point he was trying to "pet" the sheep and instead held on to the sheep's back and went for a ride! Feet up in the air and everything! This pic was right before lift-off!

We also got some Katelyn snuggles in!
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Check out the adorable birthday cake that Rebecca slaved away for days on! She does good work!
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Happy Birthday Sammy! Thanks for inviting us!

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